Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday July 23, 2011- One Month Out!!!!

Today was officially the day, the one month anniversary and one month past my second birthday. This has been one of the most amazing months in my life. The best month in three years! God had a plan and it unfolded just as it was suppose to. It's so interesting to me the way mine and Lindsey relationship has grown and changed. I believe it was the year 1999 or 2000 when my friend, Brandy Pratt Tinsley told me she was leaving the quaint flower shop Petal Pushers and that I should go in there and apply for her job. Little did I know I would meet a girl that many years later would change and save my life! Thank you Brandy, for helping me get that job!!!! So, obviously I got the job and got to know Lindsey Anderson.....later to be Lindsey Rouse. We drove around in the delivery van delivering flowers and making floral designs. Okay, I wasn't very good at the design part but Lindsey was. We had many fun times working together. She attempted to teach me to drive a stick shift one day....and that proved to be a mistake! But we had lots of laughs and good times together. I worked there for about a year and then I left for college. Lindsey went to college in another town and got married. I didn't see or talk to her for many years. That's what happens sometimes, we lose contact with friends. But thank God for facebook. Through facebook, Lindsey and I reconnected and began chatting from time to time. Then one day, kidney failure entered the picture. Lindsey was following my story via facebook and my blog. She saw the ups and downs and dialysis and my struggle to get a transplant. One day, after it became aware to everyone that my sweet brother, Matt could not be my donor, I received a message from Lindsey. She was willing to get tested. And, well you know how that turned out! I am so blessed and thankful to God for the way he worked through so many people all those years ago. I would have never imagined kidney failure would be part of my story but I always new deep down it would eventually be part of my history. And thanks to Lindsey Rouse it is history. From June 23 to July 23 I have enjoyed life and been more aware of life in a way I never have before in my 31 years. It truly is like a new birthday and a great new beginning. And now someone who was a friend is now a sister. The blessings have been astounding. I am forever grateful to Lindsey and I know that God is going to bless her life in so many ways. I love her so much!!! Thank you Lindsey!

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